Equipe 5: Géotechnique et risques naturels

EL HOUARI N., ALLAL M. A., (2014), « The settlement of soft soil caused by tunneling in presence of flow », Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, EJGE, Vol. 19 [2014], Bundle Z, pp. 9159-9174, (USA) ; http://www.ejge.com/2014/Ppr2014.733mp2.pdf.

HAMZAOUI F., TAILLANDIER F., MEDIZADEH R., BREYSSE D., ALLAL M. A. (2014), « Evolutive Risk Breakdown Structure for managing construction project risks: application to a railway project in Algeria », European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis Online, Published: 18 juillet 2014; DOI: 10.1080/19648189.2014.939416.

ABDELBAKI C., TOUAIBIA B., MAHMOUDI H., DJELLOUL SMIR S. M., ALLAL M. A., GOOSEN M., (2013), « Efficiency and performance of a drinking water supply network for an urban cluster at Tlemcen, Algeria », Desalination and water treatment, DOI : 10.1080/19443944.2013.870497

DERFOUF M., ALLAL M.A., ABOU-BEKR N., TAIBI S. (2013). "Mesure et prédiction des chemins de drainage humidification. Application à l'argile d'un noyau de barrage″. Revue française de géotechnique. Presses des ponts et chaussées. N°142, 1er trimestre 2013, pp. 49-60. ISSN 0181-0529.

DERFOUF M., TAIBI S., ABOUBEKR N., ALLAL M. A., (2013), « Influence of initial compaction conditions on shrink-swell behavior during drying wetting paths », International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 10, October 2013. [in http://www.ijert.org/browse/volume-2-2013/october-2013-edition]

ABDELBAKI C., TOUAIBIA B., ALLAL M. A., KARA SLIMANE F., (2012), « Applied systemic approach to water supply network, the case of an urban cluster of Tlemcen, Algéria », Procedia Engineering, volume 33, Elsevier, 2012, pp. 30-37. [url http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705812012040]

EL HOUARI N., ALLAL M. A., ABOUBEKR N., (2011), « Numerical simulation of the mechanical response of the tunnels in the satured soils by PLAXIS 2D », Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 05, n°1, Janvier 2011, Jordanie. [urlhttp://elearning.just.edu.jo/jjce/issues/show_paper.php?pid=171]

BEDJAOUI M.C., ALLAL M.A., DUPERRET A., TAIBI S., RIVOALEN E., (2010), « Numerical approach of the littoral instability of chalk cliffs : case of Grandes Dalles (the large flagstones) », Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 04, n°2, Avril 2010, Jordanie. [url http://elearning.just.edu.jo/jjce/issues/show_paper.php?pid=110]

Conception : VITAMINEDZ